NRA Basic Shotgun Instructor
The NRA Shotgun Instructor Training class is designed to develop NRA Certified Instructors who possess the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to conduct the NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Course. NRA Shotgun Instructor Training begins with the NRA Basic Instructor Training class, which must be completed first. Both classes together form the required course for NRA Shotgun Instructor certification. (You are not considered an NRA Certified Instructor until the NRA Training Department processes your application and issues your instructor credentials.) This is an 11 hour course designed to teach the fundamentals of shotgun shooting, both hunting and skeet/trap for shotgun.
To enroll in the NRA Shotgun Instructor Training class you must:
- Complete our NRA Basic Instructor Training class
- Fill out the NRA Pre-Course Questionnaire, and deposit as listed on the class page.
- Achieve satisfactory scores in an NRA Pre-Course Qualification that we conduct for promising potential Instructor candidates.
- In your Pre-Course Qualification you must: achieve a score of 90 percent or higher in a written examination and have a minimum passing score of 80 out of a possible 100 points in firearms handling, shooting competence, and firearms safety evaluation.
The NRA states that "Only those candidates who achieve satisfactory scores in the pre-course qualification, and who meet other specified requirements for NRA instructors, are eligible for certification."
All NRA instructor training is a two-part course consisting of two classes. The NRA Basic Instructor Training class is the first part of that course and is Lessons I-V. The discipline-specific class is the second part of that course and always begins with Lesson VI.
Class Description
This NRA Shotgun Instructor Training class proceeds through eight lessons that teach you how to conduct the NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting course step by step using the NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Course Outline and Lesson Plans, and how to teach shotgun shooting on a basic level. NRA Shotgun Instructor Training concludes with the Shotgunl Instructor Examination and other preliminaries to certification by the NRA.
Here are the eight lessons in an NRA Shotgun Instructor Training class:
VI. Introduction to "NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Course Outline and Lesson Plans"
VII. Teaching "Shotgun Lesson I: Shotgun Knowledge and Safe Handling"
VIII. Teaching "Shotgun Lesson II: Ammunition Knowledge and the Fundamentals of Shotgun Shooting"
IX. Basic Shotgun Shooting Instructional Method
X. Teaching "Shotgun Lesson III: Firing the First Shots"
XI. Teaching "Shotgun Lesson IV: Shotgun Shooting Skills Practical Exercise"
XII. Evaluating and Improving Performance of Beginning Shotgun Shooters
XIII. Teaching "Shotgun Lesson V: Shotgun Sports and Activities"
Available Spring 2014