SAFTD Rifle Courses
SAFTD Defensive Carbine 1
The goal of the Second Amendment Foundation Training Division's “Defensive Carbine 1” course is to provide the student with a solid foundation in basic knowledge of carbine safety, various types of carbines, an understanding of ammunition and how it functions, shooting fundamentals and an introduction to defensive shooting skills.
A person new to the use of a firearm for personal defense typically has a broad range of questions and is faced with learning a number of skills that are critical in the use of a firearm – in this case a Carbine – to defend themselves, their family or someone in their charge. Defensive Carbine 1 is specifically designed to provide a person new to carbines the opportunity to gain that knowledge and learn those skills.
A number of topics will be covered in “Defensive Carbine 1 - Introduction to the Defensive Use of a Carbine. These include but are not limited to:
- Safe handling of your firearm.
- Safe Storage of your firearm and ammunition.
- Basic components of a Carbine
- Types and Operation of various Carbines.
- Working With A Natural Defensive Stance
- Integrating The Color Code Into Your Life
- Finding Your Balance of Speed and Precision
- Clearing Common Stoppages
- Progressive Shooting Drills
- Definition of Cover and Concealment
- Use of Cover
- Shooting From Low and High Barricades
- Selecting a Carbine and Ammunition
- Cleaning and Maintain your Carbines
SAFTD Defensive Carbine 2
The goal of the Second Amendment Foundation Training Division’s Defensive Carbine 2 Course is to provide the student with an opportunity to build upon the foundational skill-set and knowledge base that was acquired in Defensive Carbine 1. This will include a continued focus on the defensive mindset, discussion regarding avoidance/deescalation strategies, an understanding of the physiological changes that occur in the human body when under lethal force stress and what affect they have on our training, and a series of skill development exercises that will help the student learn to more efficiently and effectively use a carbine for self defense in a lethal force encounter.
Defensive Carbine 2 is not a “marksmanship” or “target shooting” course. Rather it is designed to help the student quickly develop essential skills that can help him/her prevail in a real lethal force encounter.
Defensive Carbine 2 consists of a full day of intense range training and instruction covering a variety of topics including, but not limited to:
- Avoidance and deescalation strategies
- The importance of the Defensive Mindset
- Physiological changes that occur when under severe stress
- Review of Defensive Shooting Fundamentals
- Defensive Accuracy Concept
- Volume of Fire
- Using lateral movement
- Presentation of the Carbine
- Emergency and Tactical Reloads
- Proper Scan and Assess procedure
- Malfunction Clearing Remedies
- Engaging Multiple Targets
- Moving to Cover and/or Concealment
- Application of learned skills under realistic conditions
SAFTD F.A.S.T. Carbine
The goal of the Second Amendment Foundation Training Division's “F.A.S.T Carbine” course is to provide the student with a solid foundation in basic knowledge of Carbine "Fundamentals and Safety Training" on your specific Carbine, a basic understanding of ammunition and how it functions as well as shooting fundamentals.
A person new to the use of a firearm for personal defense typically has a broad range of questions and is faced with learning a number of skills that are critical in the safe use of a firearm – in this case a Carbine. F.A.S.T Carbine is specifically designed to provide a person new to Carbines the opportunity to gain that knowledge and learn the basics of operation, cleaning and maintenance, safety and much more in a convenient 4 hour course. “F.A.S.T Carbine” is also meant as an introductory course for students new to carbines prior to taking SAFTD Defensive Carbine 1.
A number of topics will be covered in “F.A.S.T Carbine”. These include but are not limited to:
Safe handling of your firearm.
- Gun Safety Rules
- Safe Storage of your firearm and ammunition.
- Basic components of a your Carbine
- Operation of your Carbine
- Shooting Fundamentals
- Clearing Common Carbine Stoppages
- Selecting a Carbine and Ammunition
- Cleaning and Maintain your Carbine