SAFTEA Handgun Courses
SAFTEA Defensive Handgun 1
The goal of the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association's “Defensive Handgun 1” course is to provide the student with a solid foundation in basic knowledge of handgun safety, various types of handguns, an understanding of ammunition and how it functions, shooting fundamentals and an introduction to defensive shooting skills.
A student new to the use of a firearm for personal defense typically has a broad range of questions and is faced with learning a number of skills that are critical in the use of a firearm – in this case a handgun – to defend themselves, their family or someone in their charge. Defensive Handgun 1 is specifically designed to provide a person new to handguns the opportunity to gain that knowledge and learn those skills.
A number of topics will be covered in “Defensive Handgun 1 – Introduction to the Defensive Use of a Handgun”. These include but are not limited to:
- Safe handling of your firearm.
- Safe Storage of your firearm and ammunition.
Basic components of a Double Action Revolver.
- Basic components of a Semi-Automatic Pistol
- Operation of a Double– Action Revolver
- Operation of a Single and a Double Action Semi-Automatic Pistol.
- Working With A Natural Defensive Stance
- 2-Handed and Single Handed Engagements
- Integrating The Color Code Into Your Life
- Finding Your Balance of Speed and Precision
- Clearing Common Pistol Stoppages
- Progressive Shooting Drills
- Definition of Cover and Concealment
- Use of Cover
- Shooting From Low and High Barricades
- Selecting a Pistol and Ammunition
- Cleaning and Maintain your Pistols
SAFTEA Defensive Handgun 2
The goal of the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association's Defensive Handgun 2 Course is to provide the student with an opportunity to build upon the foundational skill-set and knowledge base that was acquired in Defensive Handgun 1. This will include a continued focus on the defensive mindset, and the development of marksmanship and gun handling skills needed to safely and effectively carry a concealed handgun for personal self defense.
Students will become adept at working with the handgun from the holster, including drawing safely, efficiently, and quickly, and safely re-holstering. You will learn to shoot quickly but accurately, fire multiple shots with full control and will learn to reload the pistol quickly and efficiently using both speed reloads and emergency reloads. Students will learn to shoot effectively with one hand, using the dominant hand and/or the non-dominant hand. We will work on mental conditioning to prepare the student to effectively deal with a sudden threat to their life or the life of another.
Defensive Handgun 2 is designed to help the student quickly develop essential skills that can help him/her prevail in a real lethal force encounters.
Defensive Handgun 2 consists of a full day of intense classroom & range training and instruction covering a variety of topics including, but not limited to:
- Gun Safety Rules and Trigger Finger & Muzzle Discipline
- The importance of the Defensive Mindset
- Review of Defensive Shooting Fundamentals
- Dry fire & Live Fire Exercises
- Presentation from a holster
- Emergency and Speed Reloads
- Fighting stance platform
- Delivering Multiple Shots efficiently and on target
- Trigger Reset
- The IALEFI-QP Silhouette Target
- Introduction to One-Hand Only Presentation and Shooting
SAFTEA Women's Defensive Handgun 1
The goal of the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association's Women's Defensive Handgun 1 course is to provide the women with a solid foundation in basic knowledge of handgun safety, types of handguns, understanding ammunition and how it functions, shooting fundamentals and an introduction to defensive shooting skills. This class also addresses specific women issues when carrying a firearm for personal protection. Covered also are selection of an appropriate defensive firearm and holster, concealed carry clothing, security and special concerns with carrying a firearm both on and off-body.
A woman new to the use of a firearm for personal defense, typically has a broad range of questions and is faced with learning a number of skills that are critical in the use of a firearm – in this case a handgun – to defend themselves, their family or someone in their charge. Women's Defensive Handgun 1 is specifically designed to provide a person new to handguns the opportunity to gain that knowledge and learn those skills.
A number of topics will be covered in Women's Defensive Handgun 1 – Introduction to the Defensive Use of a Handgun.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Safe handling of your firearm.
- Safe storage of your firearm and ammunition.
- Basic components of a double-action revolver.
- Basic components of a semi-automatic pistol.
- Operation of a double-action revolver.
- Operation of a single and a double-action semi-automatic pistol.
- Selecting a pistol and ammunition.
- Working from a defensive stance.
- Finding your balance of speed and precision.
- Clearing common pistol stoppages.
- Progressive shooting drills.
- Integrating The Color Code into your life.
- Deadly force definition and legal matters.
- Definition of cover and concealment.
- Cleaning and maintain your pistol.
SAFTEA Women's Defensive Handgun 2
The goal of the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association's Women's Defensive Handgun 2 course is to provide women with an opportunity to build upon the foundational skill-set and knowledge base that was acquired in Women's Defensive Handgun 1. This will include a continued focus on the defensive mindset and the development of marksmanship and gun handling skills needed to safely and effectively carry a concealed handgun for personal self-defense.
Students will become adept at working with the handgun from the holster, including presenting safely, efficiently, quickly and safely re-holstering. You will learn to shoot quickly but accurately, fire multiple shots with full control, learn to reload the pistol quickly and efficiently using both speed reloads and emergency reloads. Students will learn to shoot with one hand using the dominant hand and/or the non-dominant hand. We will work on mental conditioning to prepare the student to effectively deal with a sudden threat to their life or the life of another.
Women's Defensive Handgun 2 is designed to develop essential skills that can help her prevail in a lethal force encounter.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Gun Safety Rules and trigger finger and muzzle discipline.
- The importance of the defensive mindset.
- Review of defensive shooting fundamentals.
- Dry fire and live fire exercises.
- Presentation from a holster.
- Emergency and speed reloads.
- Fighting stance/platform.
- Delivering multiple shots efficiently and on target.
- Trigger reset.
- The IALEFI-QP silhouette target.
- Introduction to one hand only presentation and shooting.
SAFTEA F.A.S.T. Handgun
The goal of the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association's “F.A.S.T Handgun” course is to provide the student with a solid foundation in basic knowledge of handgun "Fundamentals and Safety Training" on your specific handgun, a basic understanding of ammunition and how it functions as well as shooting fundamentals.
A person new to the use of a firearm for personal defense typically has a broad range of questions and is faced with learning a number of skills that are critical in the safe use of a firearm – in this case a handgun. F.A.S.T Handgun is specifically designed to provide a person new to handguns the opportunity to gain that knowledge and learn the basics of operation, cleaning and maintenance, safety and much more in a convenient 4 hour course. “F.A.S.T Handgun” is also meant as an introductory course for students new to handguns prior to taking SAFTD Defensive Handgun 1.
A number of topics will be covered in “F.A.S.T Handgun”. These include but are not limited to:
- Safe handling of your firearm.
- Gun Safety Rules
- Safe Storage of your firearm and ammunition.
- Basic components of a your Handgun
- Operation of your Handgun
- Shooting Fundamentals
- Clearing Common Stoppages
- Selecting a Handgun and Ammunition
- Cleaning and Maintain your Handgun