SAFTD Defensive Handgun 2 Instructor
The goal of the SAF Training Division’s Defensive Handgun 2 Course is to provide the student with an opportunity to build upon the foundational skill-set and knowledge base that was acquired in Defensive Handgun 1. This will include a continued focus on the defensive mindset, and the development of marksmanship and gun handling skills needed to safely and effectively carry a concealed handgun for personal self defense.
Students will become adept at working with the handgun from the holster, including drawing safely, efficiently, and quickly, and safely re-holstering. You will learn to shoot quickly but accurately, fire multiple shots with full control and will learn to reload the pistol quickly and efficiently using both speed reloads and emergency reloads. Students will learn to shoot effectively with one hand, using the dominant hand and/or the non-dominant hand. We will work on mental conditioning to prepare the student to effectively deal with a sudden threat to their life or the life of another.
Defensive Handgun 2 is designed to help the student quickly develop essential skills that can help him/her prevail in a real lethal force encounters.
Defensive Handgun 2 consists of a full day of intense classroom & range training and instruction covering a variety of topics including, but not limited to:
- Gun Safety Rules and Trigger Finger & Muzzle Discipline
- The importance of the Defensive Mindset
- Review of Defensive Shooting Fundamentals
- Dry fire & Live Fire Exercises
- Presentation from a holster
- Emergency and Speed Reloads
- Fighting stance platform
- Delivering Multiple Shots efficiently and on target
- Trigger Reset
- The IALEFI-QP Silhouette Target
- Introduction to One-Hand Only Presentation and Shooting
Required Gear:
- A modern, serviceable, center-fire handgun (Semi-Automatic Pistol or Double Action Revolver .38 special or 9mm or above.)
- Ear and Eye protection (electronic muffs preferred).
- Strong Side Holster – For safety reasons on the range our classes will use Strong Side Holsters only! - (No cross draws, shoulder rigs, pocket holsters, ankle, appendix or small of the back carry). Blackhawk Serpa and similar holsters which require the use of the index finger to deactivate a retention device will not be used in SAFTD classes. The ONLY exception is for Law Enforcement & Military who are issued these types of holsters for duty use.
- No pocket guns such as Keltec PF9, Ruger LCP etc. You will be presenting the gun from concealment and re-holstering repeatedly. You need to be proficient at this task and have a holster that does not collapse when the gun is removed.
- 175 rounds of Ammunition: Factory fresh ammo only. NO RELOADS, specialty or novelty ammo such as RIP ammo etc.
- Two extra functional magazines (semi-autos - 3 total) or speed-loaders (revolvers)
- Dual Magazine carrier optional but HIGHLY recommended.
- Hydration system or Bottled water.
- Shoes – comfortable with sufficient support to permit a full range of motion. No sandals or flip-flops.
- Long Pants, Shirt With Higher Collar
- Sturdy Belt
- Baseball Cap
- Must posses outstanding firearm handling safety skills
- SAFTD Methods of Instruction MOI within the last 2 years / (2 Days)
- Liability Insurance with minimum of 1,000,000 coverage before your first class
- SAFTD Range Officer Certification
- First Aid, CPR and AED Certification (National or State recognized organization)-(Must be up to date.)
- Must take and pass the SAFTD Student level class.
- Must be at least 21 years old
- Must be a U.S. Citizens or Legal Permanent Resident with valid Green Card. (ITAR)
- Must speak, write and understand English
- Must be able to legally posses firearms under both Federal and State laws.
The Defensive Handgun 2 course length is a full day, typically taking 8 – 10 hours including a 1-hour scheduled lunch break. A short break is given after each hour of instruction (approximately).
Upcoming Classes
None scheduled right now, please call us if you are interested in scheduling this course
Defensive Training Solutions
2855 Stone Circle Dr.
Troy, OH 45373